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2024 GWI Annual Trailblazer Gala

Nearly 300 leaders launched Women’s History Month at Girls With Impact’s 4th annual Gala at L’escale on Greenwich Harbor, celebrating the area's trailblazers and emerging leaders.

Among them were former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, named the 2024 Business Honoree, and Juanita James, a member of the state’s Board of Regents, named the 2024 Philanthropy Honoree.

Presented by Stamford-based Eagle Point Credit – the celebration raised over $300,000 for the non-profit GWI, which operates the nation’s leading Business & Leadership education for young women, helping to ensure “they’re ready on Day 1” for the business world, said CEO Openshaw.

Press Release here
More Photos here

“I know from experience that early education and encouragement can change the course of a young woman’s life,” Indra Nooyi said. “That’s the power of Girls With Impact.” 

Juanita James added, “Girls With Impact provides the technical skills and confidence these young women need. The system can’t do it – they don’t have the budget or resources. That’s why this organization is so important.

Thank you to all our sponsors, speakers, and attendees for their generous support. See more photos below.

Testimonials from our guests:

“It was an amazing event! Your emcee and auctioneer were engaging and fun. And of course, the Keynote interview with Indra Nooyi was a gift that will keep on giving, with all the insights she shared. What made the night for many of us was hearing from the young women tell their story and impact of GWI on their current success and future ambitions.”

- Bernard Guinyard, Head of DEI North America at Henkel

“I was impressed by the evening: the quality of the speakers, the venue, as well as the film showing the impact you and your team have clearly made on such a broad group of young women.”

- Linda Petrone, Founding Partner at Sage Search Advisors

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