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Once a Girl With Impact, always a Girl With Impact.

Let’s keep learning together.

Extended learning

GWI grads & members have access to our extended learning programs so you can step into the future with confidence, knowing we’re here and we’ve got your back.

GWI woman on a laptop learning

LevelUp Learning

As a GWI grad or member, you can access videos, activities, and assessments to boost your skills, explore different career paths, and keep leveling up your career journey.

Want more info?

GWI women in an office

GWI Alumni Boardroom

The GWI Alumni Boardroom is your gateway to the Alumni Network. Connect with other grads through the Grad Directory and live meet-ups, with special guest speakers, and discover exclusive internship and career opportunities.

Come on in, Grad.

“I learned to be more confident and improve my public speaking skills.”

Nia Bakari • GWI Innovation Academy Alumni • Venture: Hard Working Ladies

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Top FAQs

  • Through our Impact Driven Entrepreneurship training model, you will be equipped with the skills, confidence and tools to: Investigate, ideate, innovate and ignite a venture that takes her passion and turns it into an impactful business or non-profit.

    We give you a unique way to differentiate yourself, show what you've done, and stand out from the crowd.

  • Who are the programs for?

    Our programs are for girls, and those who identify as girls, in ages 14-24. Students from anywhere in the world may join our program, although class times are based on eastern time zones in the USA.

    How long is the academy program?

    The live, online academy program consists of 8 live classes. There is a 1-class orientation in advance of the program, taking the total length of the program to 10-weeks.

    Our summer live, online academy is 5 weeks (1 week orientation plus 8 classes over 5 weeks.

  • Do you charge tuition?

    Yes. Just as with the YWCA, swimming or other programs, it helps cover our professional coaches, technology, platform, curriculum, start-up kits and more.

    Tuition fees are on a sliding scale, up to $995, based on financial need. This equates to about $30 per hour for the orientation, 8-week Academy, mentoring and review and in-person graduation. All course materials are included in this fee.

    This program is worth substantially more for the education, network and business/venture development as well as the increased likelihood of scholarships and job earnings. Our program has been valued at $2,000.

    Do you offer financial aid?

    Financial aid is offered to students in the USA from low-moderate income households.

    If you meet our financial aid requirements you will be awarded a funded / part funded place.

    Please see here for our financial aid process.

    Please indicate your need for financial aid by emailing ops@girlswithimpact.com.