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GWI Mentorship Programs

Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders

At Girls With Impact (GWI), our mission is to level the playing field for all women in business and beyond by equipping them with the skills, confidence, and network to become tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs. We believe mentorship is a powerful tool in achieving this mission. As a mentor, you have the opportunity to share your expertise, offer guidance, and inspire the next generation of female leaders to reach their full potential.

Why Become a Mentor with Girls With Impact?

Make a Real Impact

Guide young women on their journey to personal and professional success, helping them to unlock their potential and achieve their goals.

Enhance Your Leadership Skills

Gain valuable coaching experience, develop your leadership style, and refine your communication and mentorship skills.

Expand your Network

Connect with a community of like-minded professionals who are passionate about empowering the next generation.

Give Back in a Meaningful Way

Use your expertise and experience to give back to the community, fostering a future of equality and opportunity for all women.

Empower Hour Coach:
One-Hour Executive Coaching

What It Is: Empower Hour is a flexible, one-hour, one-on-one executive coaching session designed to connect accomplished professionals with young women eager to learn and grow. These sessions provide students with personalized advice, insights, and strategies tailored to their specific needs and goals.

What it Consists of

  • A one-hour, virtual mentoring session with a student

  • Flexible scheduling based on your availability

  • A structured format to ensure a meaningful and impactful experience for both mentor and mentee

  • Engage in one-hour coaching sessions on topics such as Professional Skills, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, and Financial Life Skills—algorithm-matched for the best mentor-student fit.

How it Works

  • Mentors fill out a profile by clicking the button below, complete a required background check, and are matched within 2 weeks with a mentee based on expertise and interest

  • GWI facilitates the scheduling of the session and provides guidelines to help maximize the impact

  • After the session, mentors and mentees can choose to stay connected or continue in future Empower Hour sessions

Why Join?

  • Share your knowledge and experience in a short, impactful format

  • Provide real-world advice and guidance to young women at a critical time in their career development

  • Enjoy a flexible mentoring opportunity that fits into your busy schedule

ImpactPathways Mentor: Help set and achieve big goals

What It Is: ImpactPathways is a longer-term mentorship program focused on goal-setting and achievement. As an ImpactPathways mentor, you will help your mentee define and pursue meaningful personal and professional goals, offering regular support, feedback, and encouragement over the course of several months.

What it Consists of

  • A commitment to mentoring a student for a period of 4 months

  • Bi-monthly check-in meetings with your mentee to track progress, provide feedback, and set new goals

  • Access to exclusive training and resources to support your mentorship journey

  • CollegeReady, CareerReady, or FutureReady—provide guidance on college applications, career exploration, or foundational skills for early high school students.

How it Works

  • Mentors fill out an application by clicking the button below and complete a required background check sent by GWI

  • Mentors are matched on a quarterly basis with mentees based on shared interests, goals, and expertise

  • GWI provides a structured curriculum, including resources, goal-setting templates, and conversation guides to facilitate effective mentorship

  • Mentors help mentees build a personalized action plan and support them in achieving their set objectives

Why Join?

  • Create a meaningful, long-lasting impact on a young woman’s personal and professional growth

  • Build a rewarding mentoring relationship, with ongoing support from GWI

  • Participate in a flexible program that accommodates your schedule while making a significant difference

Ready to apply?

We request non-corporate partner mentors to make a minimum $1000 tax-deductable contribution to support the mentoring program and ignite the futures of young women.

Not ready to apply?

We recommend you join one of our monthly mentor information briefings.

Why it matters

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    Based on research from Harvard, Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford, 85% of career success relies on strong soft skills, with hard skills contributing only 15%.

  • The GWI Corporate Workshops have been developed by GWI’s leadership educators to fill that critical soft skills gap for early-career women.

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    LinkedIn reports 80% of talent professionals emphasize the importance of soft skills. Despite this, in 2010, just 27.6% of budgets spent on US employee learning targeted soft skill development.